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HTTPS connection handler, provides all enabled HTTP-based outputs

Provides dependency HTTPS (HTTP+TLS) for MistServer

HTTPHTTPS connection handler, provides all enabled HTTP-based outputs

HTTPS Required configurations

Certificate(Root) certificate(s) file(s) to append to chainStringcert--cert
KeyPrivate key for SSLStringkey--key

HTTPS Optional configurations

debugThe debug level at which messages need to be printed.debugInherited from parent processdebug--debug
Default track sortingWhat tracks are selected first when no specific track selector is used for playback. = Default (last added for live, first added for VoD)
bps_lth = Bit rate, low to high
bps_htl = Bit rate, high to low
id_lth = Track ID, low to high
id_htl = Track ID, high to low
res_lth = Resolution, low to high
res_htl = Resolution, high to low
InterfaceAddress of the interface to listen onString0.0.0.0interface--interface
Stream unavailable textText or HTML to display when streams are unavailable.Stringnostreamtext--nostreamtext
TCP portTCP port to listen onNumber (unsigned integer)4433port--port
Public addressFull public address this output is available as, if being proxiedinputlistpubaddr--public-address
UsernameUsername to drop privileges to - default if unprovided means do not drop privilegesStringrootusername--username
Active playersWhich players are attempted and in what order.ord_multi_selwrappers--wrappers