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MKV (Matroska)

Quick look-up table

Type of streamingPseudo streaming
Development StateIn active development
Expected Latency< 5s
Connection typeHTTP(S)
Container typeMatroska
WhereBrowsers, Players
Default Port8080, 443
Modern codecsAll
Difficulty of readBeginner

What do I need to know about MKV?

Matroska is an open source container format based on EBML, it's gained popularity under the subset WebM. It's a very open specification that allows for any codec to be inserted and has a very efficient header. The only thing holding Matroska back is the fact that only Chrome based browsers support it properly.

When would you use MKV?

Storage, Chrome playback

Something that is often overlooked is that MKV is actually highly efficient for storage. Due to the ease of adding codecs and minimal header it is a good future proof choice in storage. Even legacy files can be converted to MKV so it also has the flexibility to ensure its compatibility in the future. Other than that streaming to Chrome-based browsers is a good use for MKV. It'll run slightly better than just MP4 due to the more efficient header as well.

Important need to know about Matroska

  • It's a less known container format, so there will be less support for it when encountering other systems. With MistServer that's not much of a problem as MKV can be converted to any format of choice instantly.
  • When used in a Chrome browser it performs slightly better than MP4 playback.
  • MKV playback works in Firefox, but you are limited to VP9, you can't use H264.

Advantages of MKV

  • Flexible open standard
  • Efficient storage
  • Works for Chrome browsers

Disadvantages of MKV

  • Does not work for non-Chrome browsers
  • Less familiar container format, less global support

How do you get started with MKV?

Interested in how to best store your media, or in what conditions you should use MKV as playback protocol? Contact us for more information or simply download MistServer and try it out.