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Commandline parameters

Commandline parameters

Commandline parameters allow you to change defaults for MistServer such as which port should be used for the API and interface, but also setting up the default log level and specific log locations. In general all options that can only be set up when booting MistServer go here.

Environment variables

These are variables that impact the inner workings of MistServer and can be set to specify certain behaviours. For example disabling "angel processes" who handle crash recovery for processes.

List of Environment variables

ATHEISTDo not spawn angel processes if this environment variable exists.
NOFORKequivalent to ATHEIST, but only works for MistIn— processes (still works for backward compatibility reasons)
MIST_CONTROLSet by the controller to indicate that the logs are being handled by the parent process. All non-controller processes obey this variable and will spawn a log parser process if unset.
MIST_COLORIf set forces color to be enabled in log output (enabled by default if standard output is a terminal, disabled otherwise).
MIST_LOG_SYSTEMDIf set log output is in systemd compatible format.
MIST_COLOR_STREAMSets the color code for stream names in logs, defaults to CSI 2m
MIST_COLOR_TIMESets the color code for date in logs, defaults to CSI 0;1;37m
MIST_COLOR_CONFSets the color code for log lines in the CONF category, defaults to CSI 0;1;37m
MIST_COLOR_FAILSets the color code for log lines in the FAIL category, defaults to CSI 0;1;31m
MIST_COLOR_ERRORSets the color code for log lines in the ERROR category, defaults to CSI 0;31m
MIST_COLOR_WARNSets the color code for log lines in the WARN category, defaults to CSI 0;1;33m
MIST_COLOR_INFOSets the color code for log lines in the INFO category, defaults to CSI 0;36m
MIST_COLOR_ENDSets the color code for ending a log line, resetting the color for the next line, defaults to CSI 0m
TMP, TEMP, TMPDIRThese are checked in order, the first that is set will be used as temporary directory for MistServer.
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID, S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYThese can be set to S3 credentials and will be used if no credentials are provided in the URL itself.
http_proxyProxy server used for outgoing HTTP requests

List of commandline options

Commandline optionInformation
--accesslog, -A(string) Where to write the access log. If set to 'LOG' (the default), writes to wherever the log is written to. If empty, access logging is turned off. Otherwise, writes to the given filename.
--account, -a(string) A username:password string to create a new account or overwrite an existing one.
--config, -c(string) Specify a config file other than default.
--configrw, -C(string) If 'r', read config changes from disk. If 'w', writes them to disk after 60 seconds of no changes. If 'rw', does both (default). In all other cases does neither.
--debug, -g(integer) The debug level at which messages need to be printed, 0-10.
--help, -hDisplay usage and version information, then exit.
--interface, -i(string) Interface address to listen on, or for all available interfaces.
--logfile, -L(string) Redirect all standard output to a log file, provided with an argument.
--port, -p(integer) TCP port to listen on.
--prometheus, -S(string) If set, allows collecting of Prometheus-style stats on the given path over the API port.
--update, -DCheck for and install updates before starting.
--uplink, -UDepricated option: (string) MistSteward uplink host and port.
--uplink-name, -NDepricated option: (string) MistSteward uplink username.
--uplink-pass, -PDepricated option: (string) MistSteward uplink password.
--username, -u(string) Username to transfer privileges to, default is root.
--version, -vDisplay library and application version, then exit.