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What are parameters

Parameters are additional options you can add to push target URLs and URL-based outputs/connectors to change what, when or for how long a stream and its specific tracks are handled.

These are URL GET parameters, meaning that every first parameter will have to start with a '?' character while every following parameter will have to start with a '&' character. URL encoding, if present, will be removed.

MistServer will always assume the very last ? of an URL is for MistServer parameters. If you are using ? characters in your URL make sure to add an additional ? to the end for the URL to work properly.

URL parameters

The available URL parameters for all URL-based outputs are:

  • video=selector - The video track to use. Track selectors are described in detail in track selectors.

  • audio=selector - The audio track to use. Track selectors are described in detail in track selectors.

  • subtitle=selector - The subtitle track to use. Track selectors are described in detail in track selectors.

  • passthrough=1 - (TS-based protocols and containers, only) All possible tracks including meta-data will be included.

  • rate=1 - Sets the playback rate depending on the number given. 1 = real time, 2 = 2x real time, 0 = no limit. Defaults to 1.

  • startunix=1234 - Start the stream at the given unix time in seconds. A negative number can be given instead to go back the given amount of seconds compared to current time.

  • stopunix=1234 - Stop the stream at the given unix time in seconds. As long as the entire requested range is not in the future you will get a vod clip.

  • duration=1234 - The amount of seconds the clip/VoD should cover. Can be used as stopping point instead of a given ?stopunix=1234 or ?stop=1234. As long as the entire requested range is not in the future you will get a vod clip.

  • start=1234 - Start the stream at the given media time in seconds.

  • stop=1234 - Stop the stream at the given media time in seconds. As long as the entire requested range is not in the future you will get a vod clip.

  • dl=1 - Remove real time speed limiting from the output and provide a download link instead. If a name.ext is given provide the download as that name.ext instead of the current stream name.

Push target parameters

The follow URL parameters only apply to push targets:

  • recstart=1234 - media time-stamp in milliseconds when the push should start.

  • recstop=1234 - media time-stamp in milliseconds when the push should stop.

  • recstartunix=1234 - media time-stamp in server unix time when the push should start. This will overwrite the recstart parameter.

  • recstopunix=1234 - media time-stamp in server unix time when the push should stop. This will overwrite the recstop parameter.

  • duration=1234 - Will only output the given amount of seconds worth of media. Overrides recstop/recstopunix, if those are also given.

  • split=1234 - Restarts recording at a keyframe roughly every given amount of seconds (rounding up to nearest keyframe). Re-parses text replacement varaibles before restarting, allowing for splitting recordings into multiple files with time-based filenames over time in a flexible manner.

  • m3u8=path/file.m3u8 - Will have MistServer output the stream as a segmented stream with a playlist, given is the location of the master playlist (requires either $segmentCounter or $currentMediaTime to be used).

  • maxEntries=1234 - Removes oldest entry if there are more than X entries in the playlist, so you can have a 24/7 online stream with space limited. Note that setting this will cause MistServer to never close the playlist.

  • targetAge=1234 - Removes oldest entries if they have an age higher than X in seconds, so you can have a 24/7 online stream with space limited. Note that setting this will cause MistServer to never close the playlist.

  • append=1 - If the push out is restarted append to the previous file if file names match instead of overwriting.

  • noendlist=1 - If set MistServer will not close/finish the playlist even if the stream data stops.