Adding the player to your website
How-to guides on how to add extra features to MistServer
How-to guides on how to add extra features to MistServer
The Mistserver API Introduction
A simple bash example of using push tokens.
Access control with Triggers and PHP
How to use the Certbot Integration for Linux
After a new connection is closed
After a new connection is accepted
Before a connection first starts playback
Allowing or Denying playback based on viewer country.
Create custom variables within MistServer
When any user attempts to open a stream that cannot be opened (because it is either offline or not configured), allows rewriting the stream to a different one as fallback. Supports variable substitution.
Create custom outputs through the external writer
General server settings, Session settings, custom variables and custom output creation.
Every time an Input process exits with an error
How-to guides on how to add extra features to MistServer
How to choose between the multiple integration options.
Every time a new live stream key frame is received
After the list of valid tracks has been updated
Whenever a segment is rejected by MistProcLivepeer with a 422 status code either twice in a row for different broadcasters, or once with no secondary broadcasters available.
When an output finishes
Before a connector starts listening for connections
Before a connector stops listening for connections
What are parameters available within MistServer.
Whenever a stream process is about to switch source stream, for any reason
Advanced analytics through Prometheus Instrumentation.
Every time a push stops, for any reason
Before a push out (to file or other target type) is started
On all incoming pushes on any protocol, allows parsing the push URL to/from custom formatting to an internal stream name
When a push to file finishes
On incoming RTMP pushes, allows rewriting the RTMP URL to/from custom formatting
Viewer, Input, Output Sessions explained.
Before a new stream is configured
Every time a live stream buffer changes state
Every time a stream's configuration changes
Every time a stream ends (no more viewers after a period of activity)
Before a stream input is loaded
Before an incoming push is accepted
When a stream finished loading and is ready for playback
Before an existing stream is removed
When a stream's source setting is loaded
Before a stream input is unloaded
After MistServer boot
Before MistServer shuts down
What are track selectors available within MistServer.
MistServer Triggers, how to use them.
Every time a session ends (same time it is written to the access log)
Every time a new session is added to the session cache
What are variables available within MistServer.
What triggers to use when building solutions