Running MistServer
MistServer can be ran without an installation as well. Simply boot up the MistController(.exe)
when you download the binaries and you're good to go. The configurations will be saved in the same folder as config.json
Do note that some of MistServer's automatic error recovery features will not function properly when not running as a system service.
Linux specific instructions
MistServer as a Service
The easiest method to start with MistServer is to install it through the terminal. There's 2 requirements:
- You are running the script as root
is installed
Install using:
curl -o - 2>/dev/null | sh
Uninstall using:
curl -o - 2>/dev/null | sh
From the binaries
We recommend booting MistServer by the use of a terminal. Open a terminal window, browse to the folder where you've unpacked the binaries and run the MistController.
Windows specific instructions
For the best experience when using MistServer in Windows we recommend using the command prompt and running MistController.exe. If you are not familiar with the command prompt simply double click on MistController.exe. Several windows popping up is normal behaviour for MistServer in some versions of Windows, so do not get alarmed if this happens.
MacOS specific instructions
MistServer in MacOS requires permissions to create temporarily files, as
such running MistServer as root is recommended. The easiest way to do
this is to boot MistController from the Terminal
using sudo. You can
do this by opening the Terminal
, typing sudo
and dragging the
MistController inside the terminal window. Make sure there is a space
between sudo and the file path. You will be promped to enter the root
password before you can continue.
Docker specific instructions
For detailed instructions, please visit our docker installation page
Docker run bare minimum sharing host network
docker run --shm-size=1G --network=host ddvtech/mistserver_alpine_minimal:latest
**Docker run bare minimum publishing ports
docker run --shm-size=1G -p 8080:8080 -p 4242:4242 -p 4200:4200 -p 5444:5444 -p 8889:8889/udp -p 443:443 ddvtech/mistserver_alpine_minimal:latest