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stream name (string)
push target (string)
Response ActionA non-empty response will set the push target to the response value. An empty response will abort the push. Variable substitution will still take place.
Stream Specifictrue
WhenBefore a push out (to file or other target type) is started

Response: Whether a response is required or ignored. If always a response is needed to continue, if ignored the response will be ignored.

Response Action: What will happen if the trigger is given a certain response. If the response action is none then the trigger cannot directly interrupt the server flow.

Stream Specific : Whether the trigger applies only to selected streams (or all if none are chosen) or whether it always applies.

When : The timing of when the trigger activates.

Argument: If applicable, when the trigger should activate.

If you're having issues working with the trigger we recommend reading up on the Trigger introduction.