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session identifier (hexadecimal string)
stream name (string)
connector (string)
connection address (string)
duration in seconds (integer)
uploaded bytes total (integer)
downloaded bytes total (integer)
tags (string)
Response ActionNone.
Stream Specifictrue
WhenEvery time a session ends (same time it is written to the access log)

Response: Whether a response is required or ignored. If always a response is needed to continue, if ignored the response will be ignored.

Response Action: What will happen if the trigger is given a certain response. If the response action is none then the trigger cannot directly interrupt the server flow.

Stream Specific : Whether the trigger applies only to selected streams (or all if none are chosen) or whether it always applies.

When : The timing of when the trigger activates.

Argument: If applicable, when the trigger should activate.

If you're having issues working with the trigger we recommend reading up on the Trigger introduction.