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Overview Panel

The "Overview" panel - global server settings

This panel gives a summary of the server status. In earlier versions global server settings would be available here too, these are moved to the general panel.

MistServer will save the current configurations 1 minute after the last configuration edit and upon shut down. Should you wish to force the configuration save right away tick the "force configuration save" checkbox and click the "save" button underneath.

Version check

The version check only works for personal builds that are linked to user accounts. The fully open source build of MistServer does not have a version checker. Please keep an eye on our website for new versions!

For personal builds

The version check allows you to check if you have the latest version of MistServer and do a rolling update to the newest version available. These rolling updates provide as little interruption to your services as possible, and in most cases will not disconnect anyone from the server in the process.

The rolling update updates the currently running MistServer installation by first replacing all the binaries, then restarting any updated outputs with listening sockets. This will not break existing connections (they will remain on the old version). New connections will be handled by the updated version, but there is a window of up to five seconds during which new connections cannot be accepted because the listening socket is temporarily closed. After this the controller itself will reload to the new version if needed. Such a reload can be triggered manually by sending a USR1 signal to it.