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The "Streams" panel - setting up (new) streams

This panel shows all configured streams, both live and pre-recorded (Video on Demand - VoD). It shows vitals such as current viewer count and stream status, but also contains preview buttons to directly check the streams from your browser. This is also where you can create or edit streams.

Each stream has two vital properties that must always be set:

  • The base stream name
  • The source.

The stream name is the internal name used for a stream inside MistServer and is the main factor that controls the URLs under which your streams will be available.

The source is the method or location where this stream receives its source material from:

  • Live streams this will usually be either another server or configuration that allows pushing a stream in from another location.
  • Video on Demand this will usually be an absolute filename or folder location.

In addition to these two, various source types will have other optional or required parameters that you can set, which will show up in the interface as soon as they are selected in the "source" field.

Wildcard streams

Wildcard streams are stream names that have a plus sign in them. The plus sign is not allowed as part of a base stream name, but allows extending the base stream name with a "wildcard" section that may contain any character. This wildcard section can then be used to configure a group of streams with a common shared configuration that are created and removed automatically as-needed.

There are two base uses for this feature:

For live streams, this allows setting an infinite amount of streams with a single configuration.

For Video on Demand streams, this allows serving an entire folder of files or dynamically configured assets to be served with a single configuration.

The "preview" button - previewing streams

This button allows you to access the in-browser stream as the embed code provides it.

Here you can try out various protocol and player combinations by using the "use player" and "use source" selection dropdowns. Basic information such as status and debug messages are given at the "player log". Stream type and track information is given at "meta information".

The "embed" button - how to embed your streams into websites {#LSP:embed}

This button allows you to generate and display the HTML code to embed a player onto a website. The embedded player will automatically detect the stream settings as well as browser/device capabilities and make sure optimal playback is realized.

The "use a different host" can be used to change the host in the embedable url/codes in case the host used to connect to the web interface can not be used on the target website.


"Stream info json" and "stream info script" both give the same stream meta information available, but through different formats. "Stream info json" is XHR requestable, "stream info script" is embedable.

"HTML page" is a link directly to the default embed code, but will also do a little bit of device detection and can redirect to a direct stream url if that suits the device better.

Embed code

Here the embed code that is to be used on the webpage is posted. The contents will change depending on the set host and embed code options. If no changes have been made the default embed code settings as shown at "embed code options (optional)" will be used.

Embed code options (optional)

Here you can set various options to change the behavior of the embedable player. Any changes in the settings will directly be applied to the embedable code above. There's no auto save of the options so be sure to copy the code once you've set the options. Please mouse over the options for an explanation

Protocol stream urls

Here a list of all supported direct stream urls is given. The list is generated based on the codecs available in the stream and protocols enabled in MistServer