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General Settings

The general settings are settings within MistServer that do not fit well within any other specific category. These could be integration options such as the Prometheus integration, but also the human readable name for the server itself. All options have a help text that should identify their purpose quite easily.

Session settings

A session within MistServer could be both input and output and can be quite impactful when it comes to identifying viewers or inputs when it comes to Integration. It allows you to fine-tune exactly when a user should be considered a new Session and get hit by any authorization/admission logic. For more details on sessions we recommend looking at our chapter on sessions.

Custom Variables

Custom variables allow you to set your own variables within MistServer. These can either be static or dynamic. In most fields where you can fill in text MistServer will allow you to use these variables.

A static variable can just be a shorter way to write something down. For example instead of writing a whole path location like /path/to/media/folder/ you just shorten it to /$path/. You can also use it to store a password and avoid accidentally leaking it by visiting a configuration that would use it.

A dynamic variable can change depending on your own scripts, which grants you near unlimited freedom in setting things up. A very simple usage would be something simple as calling upon date +%s to get the current POSIX time.

Load Balancer

If the MistServer load balancer is used the given information will be passed along for usage.

External Writer

This allows you to write your own custom outputs for MistServer using your own scripts. This is quite an advanced usage of MistServer. We recommend reading our article about the external writer for more information.