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This requests a list of currently active pushes.

The request looks like this:

"push_list": true //value is ignored

And is responded to as follows:

[ID, "STREAMNAME", "URI", "URI", logs, pushstatus],

The ID is a unique per-push identifier that can be used to stop the given push (see "push_stop" below), the stream name and first URI are the values from the original call. The second URI is after handling any triggers and/or , which may be identical to the first if neither was applicable. logs is a JSON array of log messages applicable o this push. pushstatus is a JSON object containing the latest push status (containing output-specific name/value pairs).

If an entry is missing, it is no longer running/functional. Thus, all entries are currently active.

If this call is done simultaneously with a start push call, it may not yet contain the push as starting a push takes a moment. The same goes for stop push calls.

Refreshing a few times afterwards to make sure the push started (or stopped) correctly is advisable.