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This requests a list of streams that currently have statistics, and only those. The list includes any wildcard versions of streams as well as temporary streams that may have been. Since the stats window is roughly ten minutes large, this usually includes all streams active in the past approximately ten minutes.

It has two forms:

"stats_streams": true //Any non-array value will work, value is ignored.
"stats_streams": [
//Array of string values of stream properties that are to be retrieved. Possible options are:
"clients", //Current count of connected clients
"lastms" //Current timestamp in milliseconds of a live stream. Always zero for VoD streams.

The form of the response depends on the request form used.

//First form:
"stats_streams": ["stream1", "stream2", "stream3", ...]
//Second form:
"stats_streams": {
"stream1": [1,0], //the stream properties requested, in the same order as requested.
"stream2": [365,0], //the stream properties requested, in the same order as requested.
"stream3": [26,0] //the stream properties requested, in the same order as requested.