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These requests can be used to ask MistServer if it is aware of any updates being available. The requests look as such:

"update": true //value is ignored

And responses are as follows:

"update": {
"error": "Something went wrong", // Any errors, if they occurred. Optional.
"release": "LTS64_99", //The current release name, both before and after update.
"version": "1.2 / 6.0.0", //The version string of the latest available version.
"date": "January 5th, 2014", //Date that the latest available version became available.
"uptodate": 0, //0 if an update is available, 1 if already up to date.
"needs_update": ["MistBuffer", "MistController"], //List of binaries that have updated. Controller is guaranteed to be last if it is present in the list.
"progress": 1, //Percentage of currently active update progress. Only present when an update is in progress.
"MistController": "abcdef1234567890", //md5 sum of latest version of this binary
//... all other MD5 sums of binaries follow

Note that this call only returns cached data, and may be out of date. It refreshes roughly once per hour, as well as directly after each rolling update/reboot.