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Clients requests allow you to retrieve a list of clients connected at a point in time, and their details.

The request looks like this:

"clients": {
//array of streamnames to accumulate. Empty (or left out) means all.
"streams": ["streama", "streamb", "streamc"],
//array of protocols to accumulate. Empty (or left out) means all.
"protocols": ["HLS", "HSS"],
//list of requested data fields. Empty (or left out) means all.
"fields": ["host", "stream", "protocol", "conntime", "position", "down", "up", "downbps", "upbps"],
//unix timestamp of measuring moment. Negative means X seconds ago. Empty (or left out) means now.
"time": 1234567
//Or, when requesting multiple clients responses simultaneously:
"clients": [
{},//request object as above
{}//repeat the structure as many times as wanted

Since MistServer collects data continuously and requests might be segmented or sporadic, for most accurate results requestdata slightly in the past (e.g. 20-30 seconds in the past). The more current the data is, the higher the chance that data is incomplete.

The calls are responded to as follows:

"clients": {
//unix timestamp of data. Always present, always absolute.
"time": 1234567,
//array of actually represented data fields.
"fields": [...]
//for all clients, the data in the same order as the "fields" field.
"data": [[x, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z]]

In case of the second method, the response is an array of responses like this, in the same order as the requests.

The fields represent:

  • host: IP address of connected user

  • stream: Stream name user is connected to

  • protocol: Protocol user is using to connect

  • conntime: Amount of seconds connection has been active

  • position: Current playback position in seconds user is at in the stream

  • down: Total bytes transferred down

  • up: Total bytes transferred up

  • downbps: Current bytes per second down

  • upbps: Current bytes per second up