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This call will disconnect sessions matching either stream name or protocol requirements.

A disconnected session will kill any currently open connections, both input and output.

Stream names and protocols are all case-sensitive.

There are two special protocols: "INPUT" and "OUTPUT". The input protocol identifies all sessions currently used as a stream source, while the output protocol identifies all sessions currently used as a console-based output or as an output that is being pulled from elsewhere.

This call has several forms, and is requested as follows:

"stop_sessions": "streamname" //All sessions for the given stream are stopped
"stop_sessions": [
"streamname", //All sessions for the given stream are stopped
//Multiple streams may be stopped simultaneously
"stop_sessions": {
"streamname": "protocol", //All sessions for the given stream and protocol combination are stopped
//Multiple stream+protocol combinations may be given.
//An empty streamname will stop all sessions matching only the protocol:
"": "protocol"

There is no response to this call.